Saturday, June 30, 2012

Where are we??

If this question was asked to elementary students what do you think would be their answer? I asked my 2nd grade daughter this question where are we and her response was California. Which is true we do live in the state of California, then she began to say Ontario which is also true we do live in the city of Ontario. Myself answering this question i would answer it very similar to her we do live in Ontario California United States and that is what i know of. But where are we is one of the hardest questions to ever really find out the answer there can be so many answers to this question.

Many people say that universe was created in a big bang and that space did not exist before that. Since it created space itself it didn't occur just in one spot. They say that it happened everywhere but space itself expanded, it didn't expand into space that existed before. Do many people believe this also?

response to myth of eternal recurrence

I total agree with these ladies I could not imagine my life in repeat mode always making the same mistakes and doing the same thing could really get to someone. A routine is fine to have exspecially if you have a busy life and it helps you in your day to day list of things that need to be done. But usually people do not really do it in a same order they just know what has to be done and it gets done.

There are many people though that do the same thing everyday so many times in a row or a day and if they do not do it they might have a nervous break down.
I enjoy living my life different everyday so that i learn from mistakes that i have made and i decide not to make them again i could not bare to keep makig the same bad decisions you will not get anywhere in life doing that. I belive that change can make you a better person and help you have a better llife.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Assignment #1 Immorality of the soul

When coming across reading about Immorality of the soul i became very interested in finding more about it as i was reading. Finding out that the soul could lives on without suffering or any pain and that they can go to the kingdom of heaven.There are different religions that believe in immorality after a person has passed on to the after life which is life after death. There can be many different kinds of arguements on this subject it could be that people would think of it as evil just as the body has to deal with diseases and it is believe that the soul opens up. I personally dont think that the soul does open up even of a person has a disease or cancer what ever the case may be they will fight for survival and not give up. When my aunt had cancer and they told her that there was not high hopes for her making it through her kimo. She did not listen she did what ever it was that was needed even though it was painful and tiring she was not giving up or her life.

Now twenty-five years later she has not cancer and lives her life to the fullest and she always says if she would of gave up then she knows she would not be here today. Reincarnation is another subject that deals with the soul sleep comes after being awake and being awake comes after sleep. Just as death comes from life so must death return to life again. Those are some very strong opinions that people I think that people may come back as an animal or in another spirit anything is possible.Its like a life that has been reborn in a new body that may be human or an animal which ever the case may be.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chandian Effect

When I heard about this effect i could not believe what i had read and seen from the youtube videos about people having visions of someone telling them what to do. I have never had someone come to me in a vision or anything like that so i was very interested in finding out more about this. I have discovered from the information on the presentations that there are two major factors overwhelming experiences and also the knowlegde of a person or a object as the center of the experience. Many people could have an out of body experience and not even know it and has effected someone's life in a good way. It can be thought of as non realist in many people eyes they dont believe until it has happened to them. For some one to know when they are going to die amaze me to have that kind of feeling that of pain and all then he ends up being untouched by death. Things like this happen all the time around the world i believe but i never have seen a real case.

The Wonder Tissue Of The Universe

When having headaches many people looks to taking some sort of asprins to take the pain away some times the pain is so unbearable that people have to go to the doctor and have research done on what is causing the pain. I believe that the information in theis article is correct about having increasing pain increases the various drugs to reduce the pain. When having different kinds of aspirins it is always best to take the aspirin that is right for the pain that you have. When stating that we are just three pounds of meat i think that our brain is more than that without it we wouldnt be able to do the everyday things in life. When sleeping your brain begins to have dreams your mind begins to wonder around you are never really aware of what is going on when you are asleep

flip video lesson 4

There are different ways to answer this question many people could answer it saying united states or california or earth. But utlimately we really do not know where we are we could be anywhere in the universe. We basically go on what we hear growing up from our parents, teachers, mentors, and others. That is how we go about in life learning in the text books at school many people believe what is written since it has been written in the past. For me to answer this question i would just say a simple answer as i know that i live in Ontario California, not really think about where i really am the thought has never really occuried to my mind until now.

flip video lesson 3

My personally belief is that people do not exceed there cranial limits.The reason that i think that we do not exceed our cranial limits is because we do not know what our cranial limits are.So how could we know what the limits are if there are none set. If our cranial limits are unknown it is impossible to say what is our cranial limits. I believe many people do not know what cranial limits are so they would not know how to really answer this question correctly as well as i do not. Throught the years of life many inventions were made and many people did not belief they would work and it turns out to be that many were wrong and there have been discoveries made in history.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

flip video lesson 2

Chandian Effect is basically is a person that did not know of another person or object being the center of the experience that is happening. Faqir Chand realized the visions through his experience in war after the soliders had told him how grateful they were for him saving their lifes.

flip video lesson 1

In the science defintion of matter is mass taking up space or occupying the volume where religion is mind and spirit. Maybe combinding some of these things together and looking at records from the past can help understand matter better.