Thursday, July 12, 2012

5. Midterm


Edward O Wilson’s consilience proposes an idea that the world basically thinks it should be based on physics. With time the laws of physics evolves with the law of evolution. In Edward Wilson consilience between the 17th and 18th century enlightenment thinkers were the people that were around at that time. It is believed that everything in the world would be explained by his consilience. It is a way to unite all of the sciences together. Wilson had also said that imperceptions notwithstanding is the sword in the stone finally pulled by humanity. Philosophy with science is to prove genes can influence decisions that are made. Anything can influence a person to make decisions sometimes they may not be good decisions made. Usually a bad decision is made through peer pressure when someone may think that another person is there friend but in reality they do not want to see them succeed. Science is the study of the universe and it varies in physical, chemical, biological, social and also mental. Many students and non-students usually think of science as just physical and chemical since that is what they learn when they are in elementary or junior high. Science has a lot of questions that deal with experiment, observation, and hypothesis just to name a few. When doing a research paper or some sort of presentation it is always good to use those kinds of questions when doing a project. To find more effective answers they will help out and also give other people information about it. When working with pure science it is the goal to discover new knowledge. There may be testing on pure scientist existing theory. Studies to science are focused on applications to knowledge for simple discovery. Consilience can be a good thing it combines the scientist knowledge from different places and helps solve a problem. Science as an invention is what we call technology, as scientific information has been collected and understood the philosophers debated. Science affects how we think about the world that is around us. Also philosophy affects the science that we do as thinking changes so do experiment.

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