Sunday, July 29, 2012

flip video13 & 14

Flip Video 13
In the you tube video that I had watched over and over a quote from Errol Flynn "No contradiction has a place in human nature, it social values just as it has in mathematics. Contradiction is neither true or false.....It is". I still was not getting a good understanding of it, but I think what he ment was that a combination of  ideas or even features of a situation which are opposed to one another.

The argument could go either way some people can say it is deep insight or others may say it is an excuse. Myself personally I am not sure which i side with anyone can contradict someone with what they are doing with their life or even how they live. Contradicting someone you may not always get the right or wrong answer you are looking for.

Flip Video 14
There are people that believe in different things in this world and chants, prayers, and petitions are some of them. They want something to happen so bad that they think praying for someone or something will help them ease the pain they feel.

As if someone relative was in the hospital on their death bed the family may begin to pray for them to stay with them on earth it can be some sort of comfort doing that. Chants may not always work for some people but there could be someone to get lucky enough for them to work.

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