Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why do we ask why?

To ask this question to any person you may get the response that they wanted to know the answer or they are curious to see what information is provided. Do we really know why do we ask why? I am asking that questioned right now as I write this and I really have no clue for the reason to ask that question. I ask it when I want to know why a person is making a mistake or if there is something that needs to do done by me but I don’t know why I am supposed to do it then I will ask that question. But why ask why?

If you think back for a minute when you were a little kid you would ask that question all the time why is the sky blue?  Why do I have to eat that? and etc. If you have a child, little sibling, cousin or any child you know then you know what I mean how they are always asking why. Their mind is like sponges they want to know everything just as we do.

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